Jakarta, wapresri.go.id –The development of digital technology has touched almost all corners of human life. With the dynamics of social interaction in a society that is developing very quickly, people also deal with increasingly difficult challenges.

“For Muslims, the presence of social media must be optimized as a means of strengthening ukhuwah islamiyah, ukhuwah wathaniyah, and ukhuwah insaniyah. Don’t put it the other way around, the digital world has made people in the real world polarized and divided,” urged Vice President KH Ma’ruf Amin when opening the Digital Mujahid Congress and National Consolidation of Information and Communication Commission of the Indonesian Ulema Council (Infokom MUI), at the Vice President’s Palace, on Friday (16/09/2022).

To digital mujahid, the term for technology and information experts from the MUI Infokom commission, the Vice President advised that the Quranic digital interaction platforms contained in the Quran could be reinvigorated.

“First, Qawlan sadîdá, i.e. true and straight words. It means telling the truth by telling the truth, not making up stories or lying to the public,” said the Vice President.

Second, he continued, was Qawlan ma’rûfá. When we say, we should say by choosing the right idiom and containing goodness. Third, Qawlan balîghá, i.e. words that impress, imprint on the soul.

“Saying to invite sympathy and encourage others to do good,” added the Vice President.

The fourth Quranic digital interaction platform is Qawlan karîmá, i.e. noble words. And the fifth, Qawlan maysûrá, is a word that is easy to understand.

“Because those words, that advice, are like food too. For a baby, the food is still like porridge, for a bit older, the food is different. If you are an adult, you will need other kinds of food to eat,” joked the Vice President.

Finally, the interaction platform was in the form of Qawlan Layyinâ, i.e. speaking in polite sentences, inviting others with gentleness, simplicity, and affection.

The Vice President also hoped that digital mujahid will create educational programs for people in all corners of the country so that people become wiser in using social media and smart in using technology.

“And of course the important thing is also to control the contents. Because we are commanded to talk about good things. Goodness consists of 2 things, namely isalul benefit [bringing benefits] and also counteracting bad things. Apart from that, there is no good,” said the Vice President.

Previously, the Chairman of the MUI Infokom Commission, Mabroer MS, revealed that the term “digital mujahid” was chosen in order to restore the understanding of the word “jihad” to its proper meaning, not in the narrow sense that most people know.

“It turns out that this jihad is very familiar to our ears, but it is a misperception. So we try to make sure that the meaning and usage is correct,” said Mabroer.

The Digital Mujahid Congress itself had taken place in a series of events. Starting with the kick-off of the Digital Mujahid Congress at Graha Mental Spiritual, Central Jakarta, last Wednesday, August 31, 2022, followed by halaqoh activities with Muslim YouTubers and influencers.

“Hopefully, MUI as the big house of Muslims can become a comfortable home for YouTubers and influencers, who have been suspected of being a source of somewhat misleading information. Therefore, MUI, through the Infokom [commission], has a moral obligation to invite them back. We hope that Islam wasathiyah developed by MUI will become mainstream,” explained Mabroer.

Also attending the event were MUI Deputy Chairmen Buya Basri Bermanda and Marsudi Syuhud, and MUI Secretary General Buya Amirsyah. Meanwhile, the Vice President was present accompanied by the Head of the Vice President Secretariat Ahmad Erani Yustika, Deputy for Human Development Policy Support and Equality Development Suprayoga Hadi, and Special Staff for the Vice President Masduki Baidlowi and Robikin Emhas. (DMA/LHS- BPMI Setwapres)