Jakarta, wapresri.go.id – Zakat, infaq, and alms (ZIS) were believed to have great potential as alternative solutions to reducing poverty in Indonesia. Moreover, public awareness and desire to do with ZIS was increasing. It is noted that ZIS funds managed by the National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) from 2002 to 2022 grew on average by 34.75% per year.
For this reason, the management of ZIS by BAZNAS should be based on 3 Safe principles, namely maintaining security in terms of sharia, regulations, and the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), or in short: Safe Shar-e, Safe Regulations, and Safe NKRI.
“The application of this principle must be echoed nationally so that it becomes a reference for zakat managers in Indonesia,” asked Vice President KH Ma’ruf Amin when opening a virtual National Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) BAZNAS 2022, Wednesday (24/08/2022).
In the event that carries the main theme “BAZNAS as the Main Institution for the Welfare of the People”, the Vice President also underlined five strategic steps that BAZNAS must continue to promote in order to maintain the trust of the people.
According to him, the first step was to ensure the management of the collection and distribution of ZIS in a professional and transparent manner.
“Second, increasing the reliable and competent human resources of amil zakat,” he explained.
The third step, continued the Vice President, was to increase public education and literacy about ZIS.
“Furthermore, encourage digitalization in order to increase speed, accuracy, and expand coverage,” he said.
The fifth step, the Vice President directed BAZNAS to ensure the distribution of ZIS was on the right target with an accurate database.
What we called internal improvement efforts, said the Vice President, then needed to be supported by synergy and close collaboration from various stakeholders. In that way, the management of ZIS would be able to make a major contribution to the welfare of the people, especially during the current national economic recovery period.
An example was the collaboration between BAZNAS at the central and regional levels, regional BAZNAS and local governments, BAZNAS and amil zakat institutions, or with State-Owned Enterprises/Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMN/BUMD).
“I also continue to support synergy and collaboration in strengthening zakat management in Indonesia, namely between ministries/agencies, local governments, BUMN/BUMD, as well as business actors in other potential sectors,” explained the Vice President.
Before closing his remarks, the Vice President hoped that this National Coordination Meeting could produce program recommendations that could significantly increase public confidence in carrying out ZIS through BAZNAS.
“By saying Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I declare that the 2022 BAZNAS National Coordination and Work Meeting has officially opened,” he concluded.
Earlier, the Chairman of BAZNAS Noor Achmad described the internal strength that BAZNAS had intensified since 2021 in four aspects, namely institutional and management aspects, human resource aspects, infrastructure aspects, and aspects of collecting and distributing ZIS funds. He continued, the strengthening was intended to achieve the target of collecting as many ZIS funds as possible for the welfare of the people.
“Yesterday on independence day, we announced that the national zakat charity would make BAZNAS independent, free muzaki, and free mustahik,” said Noor Achmad.
Present at this event, among others, the Director General of Islamic Community Guidance of the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) Kamaruddin Amin, the ranks of central and regional BAZNAS leaders, as well as the heads of the Ministry of Religion Regional Offices, regional secretaries, or their representatives from all provinces in Indonesia.
Meanwhile, the Vice President was accompanied by the Head of the Vice Presidential Secretariat Ahmad Erani Yustika, Deputy for Human Development Policy Support and Development Equity Suprayoga Hadi, and Special Staff for the Vice President Masduki Baidlowi. (DMA/LHS,, BPMI-Setwapres)