Jakarta, wapresri.go.id – Vice President K.H. Ma’ruf Amin this morning launched the Thematic Bureaucratic Reform (RB) Program and witnessed the inauguration of 26 Public Service Malls (MPP) at the Vice Presidential Palace Jl. Merdeka Selatan Jakarta, Monday (05/11/2022).
Accompanied by Minister for Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) Abdullah Azwar Anas, the Vice President said that RB is not a routine or a burden to us, but rather a necessity because it is a leverage and accelerator for achieving national development goals. Therefore, we need a more responsive RB system in the future.
“Changes need to be focused on structuring and transforming the organization accordingly, so it becomes more responsive, more agile, and adaptive in carrying out public services,” said the Vice President.
The Vice President explained that implementing a new work mechanism must follow the further transformation of the bureaucratic organization.
“The dynamics of global challenges and the rapid advancement of digital platforms demand a capable, collaborative, agile, and flexible bureaucracy,” he explained.
For this reason, according to him, it is time to leave the old hierarchical, linear and monotonous work patterns rooted in the bureaucracy.
“If we don’t change immediately, we will be left behind because competition between countries is getting tougher,” he warned.
In this forum entitled “Improving the Quality of Public Services and Bureaucratic Reform Towards a World-Class Bureaucracy,” the Vice President said that currently, RB Indonesia has entered the third phase of the National RB Roadmap for the 2021-2024 period. Thus, consistency is needed in its application to achieve all targets.
“We want to create a dynamic bureaucracy towards a world-class bureaucracy. However, to achieve this goal, there are still real challenges ahead of us,” he explained.
The Vice President also gave an example that the international community has various indicators for assessing the capacity of national bureaucracy. In 2022, Indonesia’s competitiveness ranking is in the 44th position, down from 37th in the previous year.
“This is our homework together, which means that there are many things that we still need to accelerate,” he concluded.
Previously the Minister of PANRB, Abdullah Azwar Anas, reported that according to the direction of President Joko Widodo, the current RB programs must directly impact society and not just mere administration.
“President Joko Widodo wants this bureaucratic reform to have an impact, one of which is with the MPP,” he said.
Following up on this, the Ministry of State Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform has taken thematic RB strategic steps, which are expected to be internalized in governance to produce simultaneous motion in solving Indonesia’s strategic issues.
The thematic RB focuses on four things: poverty alleviation, ease of investment, administration digitalization, and the president’s actual priorities. Previously, the thematic RB concentrated on poverty alleviation had been launched in Yogyakarta on 21 October 2022.
One way to make RB impactful is to provide quality services for the community by presenting MPP. A total of 26 MPPs will be inaugurated simultaneously.
This MPP makes it easier for the public to access licensing and non-licensing services in one place. Currently, there are 77 MPPs spread throughout Indonesia.
The series of events continued the following day with the agenda of awarding joint public services and bureaucratic reform at the Bidakara Hotel Jakarta Tuesday (06/12/202). Public service awards will be given as an appreciation to governments that have given their best efforts in administering public services.
The public service award will be given based on the results of evaluating the performance of the public service delivery unit (UPP), facilities, and infrastructure providers that are friendly to vulnerable groups, as well as the Top Commendable 45 public service innovations and 5 Outstanding Achievement of Public Services winners from the Public Service Innovation Competition (KIPP) 2022.
Meanwhile, the RB award is given for the evaluation results of SAKIP, RB, and Integrity Zone (ZI) towards a Corruption-Free Area (WBK) and a Clean Serving Bureaucracy Area (WBBM). Submission of certificates Submission of SAKIP and RB certificates was given to local government agencies that have won the A and BB titles in 2022.
The awarding of public services and the evaluation results of SAKIP, RB, and ZI are an appreciation to the governmental institution that has given its best efforts in managing the bureaucracy and providing the best service to the community. (SM/, BPMI – Setwapres)