Jakarta, wapresri.go.id – Corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs in addition to providing benefits and added values to the community, they are also believed to contributing in maintaining a company’s sustainability.
“A company (doing this) is for the sake of the people and also for the goodness of the company itself. (Companies) must do something for community development or CSR,” said Vice President Jusuf Kalla when meeting with Corporate Forum for Community Development (CFCD) chairman Tri Harjono together with some CFCD representatives at the Vice President’s Office on Jalan Medan Merdeka Utara, Jakarta, Wednesday (Aug. 30).
According to the Vice President, CSR programs can be varied, ranging from health development, education, to environmental improvement.
Responding to CFCD invitation to open CSR Awards in Jakarta on November 30, 2017, the Vice President promised to consider it, adjusting to his existing agenda.
During a press conference after the meeting, CFCD deputy chairman Iskandar Sembiring said that up to now there are 47 companies that have undergone the fit and proper test to get the CSR Awards with the assessment category in the field of development, health, education, and environment.
Previously, continued Iskandar, on September 14, 2017, there will also be the Indonesian Sustainable Development Awards (ISDA) ceremony.
“ISDA is intended as a medium of promotion, publication, as well as opening the information space on the role and contribution of the business world and institutions in achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs) in support of the National Action Plan and Regional Action Plan,” he explained. (MIN/FM, KIP Setwapres).