Jakarta, wapresri.go.id – Rural areas should be continuously developed through various programs to improve rural economic capacity and productivity. If villages has progressed, urbanisation can be prevented.

“Massive urbanisation will occur if villages are not progressing, having no economic capacity, and not increasing its productivity. On the contrary, if prosperity can be found in the villages, the purchasing power of the community will be better, and (this) will create balance between regions in Indonesia, both in urban and rural areas,” said Vice President Jusuf Kalla when officially opening the Village Development Forum 2017 at the Vice Presidential Palace, Jalan Merdeka Selatan, Jakarta on Thursday (Aug. 24).

Indonesia’s population of about 60% of whom live in the village, the Vice President continued, should enjoy various development programs run by the government, whether in infrastructure, economy, health, or education.

The Vice President then encouraged all villages in Indonesia, amounting to around 75,000, to build self-reliance in order to accelerate the progress of the villages.

“That is why in the Village Law 2014, among others, we build a system that can be developed directly in each village,” he added.

Previously, Villages, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Minister Eko Putra Sandjojo reported that the forum organized by his ministry in cooperation with the Australian Embassy is held from 23 to 25 August 2017 as a medium for exchanging experiences between countries concerning rural development.

In addition to regional heads, universities, and research institutes, nine representatives of the ambassadors and consul generals of friendly countries including Venezuela, Sudan, Italy, Bosnia Herzegovina, Belgium, Peru, Australia, Jordan, and Afghanistan are also attending this forum. (RN/FM, KIP Setwapres).