Kaimana, wapresri.go.id – one of his agendas in Kaimana, West Papua, Vice President K.H. Ma’ruf Amin visited Jokowi-Iriana Beach which is located on Trikora Street, Kaimana, West Papua.

In that place, the Vice President greeted two MSME’s agents and was asked to join their video blog.

One of them was Sonya, the owner of a stall named “Dapoer DWP”. She enthusiastically asked the VP’s impression of Kaimana.

The Vice President said that he was so impressed by the local residents’ hospitality since he stepped on this land.

” And [the people are] friendly. Along my way, I felt very warmly welcomed and I see that the people are so creative. I see many MSMEs agents having stalls in this place, the Jokowi Iriana Beach. I hope all of your business can keep growing,” he said.

Sonia also asked personally about his visit to Kaimana at sunset time.

“This city is beautiful. It’s already famous for its song, sunset di Kaimana,” answered the Vice President enthusiastically.

On the occasion, another MSME’s agent, Geida Sirfefa, the owner of Warung Wagit’nu, asked the VP about his expectation and suggestion for the development of majelis taklim (informal Islamic education institution) in Kaimana.

“In Kaimana Regency, we have several majelis taklim in districts and countryside. Please kindly pay attention to us,” he said.

The Vice President responded positively to him. He motivated Geida to expand the activities in majelis taklim, to society empowerment, especially for women.

“I encouraged all communities including majelis taklim to develop the economic sector in addition to regular activities of recitation (pengajian)”, said the Vice President.

“As a community, majelis taklim usually consists of mothers. It has to utilize the members’ potential so that the member can be female entrepreneurs. Women cannot be left behind, they should compete with the men. Therefore, the women should also be creative,” he ended.

Accompanying the Vice President at the beach was the Regent of Kaimana Freddy Thie and his spouse Ernawati Thie. (DMA/LHS, BPMI Setwapres)