Tokyo, – When meeting with the Vice President (VP) K.H. Ma’ruf Amin, Prime Minister (PM) of Japan Fumio Kishida, expressed his support for the Indonesian Presidency at this year’s G20 Summit.
“The Japanese government will fully support it,” said the Spokesperson for the VP, Masduki Baidlowi, in a press statement after accompanying the VP on Courtesy Call with PM Kishida at the Akasaka Palace, Tokyo, Japan, Monday (26/08/2022).
In the brief meeting, Masduki explained that the Japanese government also gave its full support to Indonesia, which will become the Chair of ASEAN in 2023.
In this regard, PM Kishida conveyed the modality of support, including through regional cooperation related to ASEAN, especially with Japan – ASEAN Cooperation.
“How is this cooperation expected to be carried out,” said Masduki.
Welcoming the reassurances, the VP also expressed his appreciation for the support provided by the Japanese government.
“The Vice President stated that he wanted to strengthen bilateral relations between the two countries as a follow-up to the visit of the President of the Republic of Indonesia to Japan last July,” said Masduki.
“Both parties agree on the cooperation, considering that next year is the 65th anniversary of Japan-Indonesia diplomatic relations and 50 years of Japan-ASEAN diplomatic relations,” he concluded. (NN/LHS, BPMI – Setwapres)