Jakarta, wapresri.go.id – Various stages of economic crisis and socio-political crisis have experienced the development of this country, including the crisis due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the impact of the world political situation. However, in the midst of these challenges, Indonesia proved to be able to overcome all of them well. In the future, high vigilance is still needed so that Indonesia is still able to maintain its independence and sovereignty.
“Our nation should be grateful for the various achievements in the midst of various problems, including economic growth that shows a positive trend, relatively controlled inflation, and a trade balance surplus. Even so, we must be vigilant because various challenges are in front of us, “said Vice President (VP) K.H. Ma’ruf Amin when attending the Plenary Session of the XXII Indonesian Economic Bachelors Association (ISEI) and the 2022 ISEI National Seminar in Jakarta, Wednesday (24/08/2022).
In the event themed “The Role of ISEI in Strengthening Synergies to Maintain Stability and Encouraging Momentum for Inclusive Economic Recovery in the Digital Era,” the VP further conveyed that several challenges lie ahead, including the global level of inflation in European and American countries. The United States broke above 8 percent. Meanwhile, at the domestic level, since the early 2000s, the contribution of the industrial sector to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has continued to decline. For that reason, in the future the VP assessed, there must be an economic deepening that provides added value.
“This means that value-added economic deepening becomes homework in the future. Re-industrialization is an unavoidable choice,” he said.
In terms of food and energy independence, the VPs emphasized that strengthening and equity are needed in order to support equitable distribution of welfare in Indonesia.
“Independence in food and energy has not yet fully materialized in this country. These two sectors are the basic sector (in addition to the industrial sector) which is the backbone of the economy. Likewise, financial sector support must also be real to this real sector. Triple F (food, fuel, and finance) is the center of the economic battle that must be won,” the VP urged.
Meanwhile, from the economic aspect, the VP reminded, that pursuing economic growth must also be accompanied by efforts to realize equitable development.
“Economic infrastructure, education, health, and technology must be present throughout the country. Economic growth must touch all walks of life, not only enjoyed by a few people,” he urged.
Closing his remarks, the VP again reminded that in the midst of the various challenges that exist, Indonesia is able to face and overcome them well. So that going forward, these valuable experiences can be a provision in facing the next challenges in the future.
“History teaches that Indonesia was able to get out of the 2008 crisis well and the economy is back on the path of recovery step by step. I am also sure that the socio-economic problems that are being faced this time can be passed well, Insha Allah, armed with this experience and knowledge,” concluded VP.
Previously, the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, said that the challenges faced by the nation in the fields of energy, food, and the economy all need to be balanced with policies that are in accordance with the development of the situation.
“Policies must adjust, adapt,” he said.
Ganjar also expressed his hope that ISEI, as a gathering place for economists, could provide the best inputs for a better Indonesia.
“Hopefully ISEI will provide good feeding (input) so that we can be much more independent in the economic field,” he concluded.
In addition to the Governor of Central Java, the ISEI General Chair Perry Warjiyo, Senior Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia Destry Damayanti, Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia Dody Budi Waluyo, Chairman of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Mahendra Siregar, as well as the Central and Regional ISEI management.
While the VP was accompanied by the Head of the Vice President Secretariat Ahmad Erani Yustika, Special Staff of the Vice President Masduki Baidlowi, M. Imam Azis, Satya Arinanto, and Robikin Emhas, as well as Acting Deputy for Government Policy Support and National Insight Slamet Widodo. (NN/LHS – BPMI, Setwapres)