Jakarta, wapresri.go.id – Technology and social media are a means of delivering information that can reach the attention of a wider audience. Good or bad that occurs as a result of uploads on social media completely depends on the intentions and goals of the user. Therefore, the use of social media must be made as wise as possible to bring benefit to many people.

“All tools can bring benefits or harm, depending on the user. It’s the same with social media. It will be a blessing if it is used as a vehicle to deliver the noble goal of protecting and educating the nation’s life, advancing public welfare, and maintaining world order. On the other hand, social media will be a disaster if it is used to spread hoaxes, disinformation, hate speech, fraud, bullying, and so on. So this can be harmful or beneficial,” said Vice President KH Ma’ruf Amin when officially opening the Digital Mujahid Congress and National Consolidation of the Information and Communication Commission of the Indonesian Ulema Council at the Vice President’s Palace Jl. Merdeka Selatan Jakarta, Friday morning (16/9/2022).

Furthermore, the Vice President conveyed, while maintaining the integrity of the nation, using social media properly could also be made as a guardian of democracy in this modern world. Democracy, which used to be fought for and maintained only in the real world, now must also be maintained in the digital world.

“When everyone must be able to maintain freedom and express opinions on social media, they may not go too far, causing hostility between fellow countrymen,” said the Vice President.

For Muslims, he added, the presence of social media must also be optimized as a means of strengthening ukhuwah Islamiyah (brotherhood in Islam), ukhuwah wathaniyah (brotherhood in the nation), and ukhuwah insaniyah (brotherhood among human beings).

“Don’t put the other way around, the digital world makes people in the real world polarized and divided. This is important to avoid,” the Vice President said.

Closing his remarks, the Vice President emphasized to digital Mujahids to seriously strengthen the 6 Qurani digital interaction platforms. The six platforms include Qawlan sadîdá, which was true and righteous speech; Qawlan ma’rûfá was saying by choosing the right idiom and containing goodness; Qawlan balîghá are words that impress, imprint on the soul; Qawlan karîmá is a noble word; Qawlan maysûrá are words that are easy to understand; and Qawlan Layyinâ, which is speaking in polite sentences, inviting others with gentleness, simplicity, and affection.

“Speak the truth by telling the truth, don’t make up stories or lie to the public,” the Vice President urged.

“Words that make an impression on a person’s soul. Inviting sympathy and encourage others to do good,” he concluded. (DMA/LHS, BPMI – Setwapres)