Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan

Jakarta. Vice President Jusuf Kalla received the visit of the Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) commissioner board chairman Halim Alamsyah at his office on Merdeka Utara Street, Jakarta, today.

In the meeting, Mr Alamsyah told the vice president about the current LPS’ clients. “Up to 30 September 2015, we have 1,925 banks as our clients, consisting of 118 banks with total deposit of 4,546 trillion rupiahs as per 30 September 2015, and 1,807 rural micro lenders (BPRs) with total deposit of 68 trillion rupiahs as per 30 June 2015,” he said.

In response, Mr Kalla reminded of the importance of synergy among financial institutions. “We all need to sit together to make a synergy. Bank of Indonesia (BI) is in charge of proper pollicies; the Financial Services Authority (OJK) is in charge of enforcing the regulations; and LPS is responsible for any financial risk occurs,” said Mr Kalla.

He further told that financial institutions should promote government’s priority programs on infrastructure development and its effort to attract more investment.

“Interest rate should be cut as hight interest rate will burden our economy, especially our small and medium enterprises,” he added.

In the meeting, Mr Alamsyah was accompanied by some members of LPS board of commissioner, namely Fauzi Ichsan, Destri Damayanti, Ronal Waas, Jarot Marhendro, and Samsu Adi Nugroho; while the Vice President was with Sofyan Wanandi, Shinta W. Kamdani, Wijayanto Samirin (expert staffs to the Vice President), and Tirta Hidayat (Deputy to the Vice President on Economic Affairs)
