Jakarta, wapresri.go.id – The role of santri (student of Islamic boarding school) for the nation and state from the colonial era to independence is now continuously recognized by the state. One of these acknowledgments was manifested by the stipulation of Santri Day every October 22, which was based on the event of the call for a resolution for the jihad of the santri to fight against the invaders on October 22, 1945.
According to Vice President K.H. Ma’ruf Amin, the outstanding gait of the santri in various fields is based on his steadfastness in maintaining the principle of Islahiyah (making improvements). For this reason, on the momentum of the 2022 Santri Day commemoration, the Vice President asked all students in the country to continue to uphold and apply their khittah, namely the khittah islahiyah.
“Our task (as) santri is to make improvements. Because the khittah of santri is khittah islahiyah, such as in the political, economic, and socio-cultural fields,” said the Vice President while attending the National Halaqah event in commemoration of Santri Day at the Office of the Coordinating Ministry for Political Affairs, Law and Security (Kemenkopolhukam), Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat No. 15, Central Jakarta, Friday (21/10/2022).
Furthermore, the Vice President also advised that the steps taken by students in their work are not to seek position or glory but to make improvements. Place and recognition that will be obtained must be believed to be just a gift from all the struggles that have been carried out.
“Usually by Allah SWT, if people fight properly, they are tough, besides being rewarded in the hereafter but also (given) fruit that can be picked up in the world (for example in the form of position or glory),” he explained.
So, said the Vice President, students might understand that all possible positions and honors in this world are not goals. The goal of the students is to continue to make improvements in any case.
“Santri never seeks (position and glory), but santri are ready to accept any task if entrusted. It could be as president, vice president, minister, or governor,” he said.
Furthermore, on this occasion, the Vice President also advised the students to continue to maintain three basic principles, which have been the basis for the santri in taking part both before and during independence.
First, said the Vice President, the santri might continue to uphold the slogan “love for the homeland is part of faith”.
“Therefore, students are (always) ready to do anything to defend, defend, and fight for the nation and state,” he said.
Second, the Vice President continued, santri might adhere to the mitsaq (agreement) in the state. Because the formation of National integrity, based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, was based on the understanding of the national founding fathers.
“I call it a national agreement. This national agreement (must) continue to embrace,” said the Vice President.
“That’s why we reject all other forms of ideology, other forms of state. Because of what? Because it violates the agreement,” he added.
Third, the Vice President said that santri must continue to be prosperous on earth. One way is to develop the economy through agriculture, plantations, mining, or industry.
“To be able to develop the earth requires science and technology. It means that students are required to master science and technology to realize the task of prospering the earth,” he concluded.
Previously, Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Mohammad Mahfud MD, in his speech, reported the reasons for holding the Santri Day commemoration in his office, which deals with many political issues. According to Mahfud, the reason is that the most important political issue is managing ideology, and the ideology of the Indonesian state was built by the nation’s founding fathers and the santri and ulama.
“Therefore, today’s Santri Day for Kemenkopolhukam takes the theme under the umbrella of national politics, namely State Ideology, Santri Ideology,” he said.
Furthermore, Mahfud explained that currently, the santri had made extraordinary progress.
According to Mahfud, students have entered various professions, such as officials, academics, leaders of mass organizations, politicians, and even artists or writers. In addition, the students also take part in many important positions in various government agencies, including in the ranks of the TNI-Polri.
“In government agencies, not only work at the Ministry of Religion, but almost all state institutions have pesantren alumni,” he added.
Furthermore, Mahfud reminded that the ulema and their students had long ago participated in the struggle through physical and political-constitutional efforts to build and defend the NKRI with the ideology of Pancasila. For this reason, with the Pancasila ideology as the State Ideology, he expects the students to continue to actualize themselves and make leaps with social mobility rising vertically.
“Students are obliged to protect the national integrity with all its diversity and must continue to take part in an Islamic breath in the principles of the state ideology of Pancasila. We can and must do all of that in the motto, State Ideology, Santri Ideology, “he concluded.
Present at this event were Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah, Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa, General Chairperson of PBNU Yahya Cholil Staquf, scholars and habaib, leaders of Islamic organizations, as well as regents and mayors.
Meanwhile, the Vice President was accompanied by the Head of the Vice President Secretariat Ahmad Erani Yustika, Deputy for Human Development Policy Support and Development Equity Suprayoga Hadi, Special Staff for the Vice President for Communication and Information Masduki Baidlowi, and Special Staff for the Vice President for General Affairs Masykuri Abdillah. (SM/LHS-BPMI Setwapres)