Jakarta, wapresri.go.id – Prophet Muhammad Shallalallahu’ Alaihi Wassalam (SAW) is a figure who is the best role model for all Muslims around the world. At this moment of commemoration of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, it is hoped that Muslims will always follow Rasulullah SAW’s obedience to get blessings from Allah Subhabahu Wa Ta’ala (SWT) and happiness in this world and the hereafter.

“I think when we commemorate the Prophet’s Birthday today, we position ourselves as servants who can fulfill God’s call by adhering to the “we listen and we obey approach” (sami’na was atho’na (),” said the Vice President K.H. Ma’ruf Amin at the Commemoration of the Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW 1444 H at the Vice President Secretariat, Jakarta, Monday (24/10/2022).

Furthermore, the Vice President quoted the word of Allah in the Quran, which states that as a believer, one must always obey Allah and His messenger without delay.

“Because believers, as Allah SWT said, when they are called to Allah and His Messenger to accept his laws, they only say one thing, namely sami’na was atho’na, there is no delay,” he explained.

In the event with the theme “Implementing the Prophet SAW realizing character with ethics, the Vice President said that, in fact, every human being has an innate nature that is not good. For that, a good believer must try to eliminate these bad qualities.

“In humans, there are bad qualities. There are good qualities, basyariyah (human) qualities, that can hinder us. This must be removed, arrogant nature, greedy nature, arrogant nature, these must be removed so that they can fulfill God’s call and be close to Allah SWT,” said the Vice President.

Closing his remarks, the Vice President reminded employees of the Vice President Secretariat that they should contribute to national progress in addition to fulfilling their religious obligations.

“On the one hand, we as believers must fulfill God’s call. As Indonesians, we must fulfill the call of the state. These two things are what we must uphold. And both are obligations, our responsibilities, as Indonesian Muslims,” concluded the Vice President.

Previously, Chairman of the Mosque Prosperity Council (DKM) Jami’ Baiturrahman Setwapres Robby J. Prihana said that the commemoration of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad SAW this time could provide new enthusiasm for the Vice President Office’s family to improve performance in serving the community.

“Hopefully, this commemoration will also be a momentum for us to optimize our work and provide the best service to the community,” he said.

While in his tausiah, the Leader of the Majelis Rasulullah SAW, Habib Nabiel Almusawa, said that the Prophet Muhammad SAW loved his people. For that, as his people, we must always try to imitate his attitude.

“Prophet Muhammad SAW must be in our hearts more than anything except Allah. Even though we cannot be equal, let us intend to follow his example of compassion, humility, and kindness,” he said. (SM/LHS-BPMI, Setwapres)