Jakarta, wapresri.go.id – The government has set various policies to achieve the goal of becoming a global player in the halal industry by 2024. This policy will have a good impact on society if it is carried out by all stakeholders, including the Indonesian Muslimah Traders Association (Persami). Because, Persami as an organization of Muslim entrepreneurs, can collaborate directly with business actors and become an extension in marketing halal industrial products, especially the products of MSMEs.
“I call it hamzah wasal. Hamzah washal is a hamzah letter that connects sentences into beautiful words. So, these producers then have their hamzah washal, there are entrepreneurs who downstream and also market it, both nationally and globally. I hope that PERSAMI is not only a producer but also a hamzah washal, later it will deliver products to the global level, to the world of various Indonesian products,” said the Vice President (VP) in his remarks at the Opening Ceremony of the Persami National Conference, at the Vice President’s Palace, Jalan Merdeka Selatan Number 6, Jakarta, Tuesday (11/10/2022).
Furthermore, the VP said, apart from industry players and MSMEs, Persami was also asked to play an active role in the regions through their regional administrators.
“Well, to drive this sharia economy apart from being at the central through the National Committee for Sharia Financial Economics (KNEKS), in regions we have created the Regional Committee for Sharia Financial Economics (KDEKS). We hope that PERSAMI in the regions will cooperate with regional committees,” said the VP.
Thus, the VP hopes that the contribution made by Persami can bring benefit to the community and its positive impact will be felt on the ground.
“Persami’s role as an economic and business driver will have an impact on social and community issues, because economic growth will overcome poverty and its various impacts,” the VP urged.
“I hope that the PERSAMI National Conference can be a momentum to strengthen the cooperation of Indonesian Muslim traders, to jointly move all stakeholders to move the pulse of the national economy, especially the sharia economy, to strengthen the empowerment of the people in order to achieve equitable prosperity,” he concluded.
Previously, the Chairperson of the Persami Central Executive Board (DPP) Siti Nur Azizah, conveyed the vision and mission carried out by Persami. She revealed that Persami has a passion to make Indonesian Muslim women become Islamic entrepreneurs who practice the example of the prophet (Muhammad SAW) in their daily lives.
“Persami is here and stands as a forum for Indonesian Muslim women to develop themselves through the theme of commerce. Because traders is an idiom in Islamic history, traders is a stage where our prophet Muhammad SAW and his beloved wife Siti Khadijah began in carrying out the mission of rahmatan lil alamin. Persami is a madrasa in following the Sunnah of the Prophet. Through Persami, we want to show the resilience of Indonesian Muslim women,” said Siti.
In addition to the General Chairperson of the Persami DPP, present at this event were the central Persami administrators, regional Persami administrators and overseas Persami administrators, both offline and online.
Meanwhile, the VP was accompanied by the Head of the Vice President’s Secretariat Ahmad Erani Yustika, Deputy for Economic Policy Support and Competitiveness Improvement Guntur Iman Nefianto, and Special Staff for the VP for Communication and Information Masduki Baidlowi. (NN, BPMI – Setwapres)