Bismillahir-Rahman ir-Rahim,
Ass. Wr.Wb.
Distinguished Delegates
Let me congratulate Turkey as the Chair of the Conference.
My appreciation goes to the Arab Republic of Egypt as the previous Chair.
Mr. Chairman,
We are an organization of 57 countries, the second largest after the United Nations.
Our combined population is 1.6 billion or 22.7% of the world population.
Our young population is the largest at 53.3%.
Our average GDP per capita is near US$ 10,000.
Our countries hold around two-thirds of proven oil and gas reserves.
These are our collective assets.
Assets that must be use not only for the prosperity of our people, but also to contribute towards global peace and prosperity.
However…. it is sad to see the Islamic world has yet live-up to its expectations.
The Islamic world is bogged down by conflicts, poverty and humanitarian catastrophe.
The Islamic world is increasingly fragmented.
Unity is a distance reality.
Peace and security, economic under-development and humanitarian disaster remains our biggest challenges.
Mr. Chairman,
Millions of our Muslim brothers and sisters suffer daily from conflicts, wars, and terrorism.
Bombs and bullets continue to rain on countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Yemen.
Never in history has a country been subjected to attacks by so many countries including OIC countries.
Does radicalism and terrorism arise from failed states?
Why has failed state happened?
Who are responsible for these failed states?
Even more disturbing is the fact that the Islamic world seemed helpless to this situation.
The sad reality is, we in the Islamic world have failed. The OIC have failed to unite its members.
We have let politics and sectarian egos get the better of us.
In the time of Prophet Muhammad, Muslims made the hijrah from Makkah to Madinah.
Today Muslims in the millions are making an exodus to non Muslim countries, particularly to Europe.
Depleting the very assets needed to make the Islamic world great.
Becoming victims of a humanitarian catastrophe in the process.
Let us work together to stop this. Stop the suffering of our Muslim brothers and sisters.
Let us work harder to stop the conflicts, the wars and the violence.
Let us address the root causes, find peaceful and durable solutions for the problems faced throughout the Islamic world. It is the only way forward.
We are responsible for realizing Islam as “Rahmatan-lil-Alamin”, a religion that contributes to peace, development and social justice.
Mr. Chairman,
As a country with the biggest Muslim population, Indonesia can provide different perspectives on addressing the challenges of the Islamic world.
Indonesia is ready to contribute. Sharing our experiences. Providing out of box approach, including in our struggle to free Palestine.
Palestine’s freedom is the very essence the OIC came into being. We must not let our focus be distracted.
We must be united in finding solutions for Palestine.
For this reason, we chose “United for a Just Solution” as the theme of the Fifth OIC Extraordinary Summit on Palestine and Al-Quds Al-Sharif, in Jakarta, 6-7 March 2016.
Indonesia calls upon the OIC Member states to act upon this commitment.
Mr. Chairman,
In economic aspect, a majority of OIC member states still face great economic and development challenges.
OIC members solidarity must be manifested through concrete cooperation and the promotion of trade and investment among OIC countries.
The creation of a comprehensive economic partnership among OIC members should be envisaged.
We must also work hand-in-hand to improve economic capacities and capabilities through South-South cooperation.
Mr. Chairman,
The problems face by the Islamic world will not be solved through speeches and meetings.
We must not let our attention be diverted by protracted discussions on petty differences.
It is time for the OIC to change its perspectives. To move beyond its comfort zone and business as usual approach. To adapt to new conditions and realities.
We must strengthen our unity and contribute in providing solutions to challenges faced by Islamic countries and the international community.
We need to create a better and more effective organization that ensures maximum benefit to its members.
To do so, its bodies and institutions must be revitalized and reformed.
In this regard, let me thank OIC member states for their support towards the establishment of the OIC Contact Group on Peace and Conflict Resolution.
Let us use this mechanism to find solutions, based on Islamic principles, for challenges faced by OIC Members.
Mr. Chairman,
Let me conclude by sharing Indonesia’s hope that this Summit will bring concrete benefit for the Ummah and for the universe.