Jakarta, wapresri.go.id – The increasing public preference for the use of Islamic financial services was now also reaching the housing sector. The Financial Services Authority (OJK) data showed that home financing from Islamic banks reached 103.24 trillion rupiah as of March 2022, up nearly 12 percent compared to the same period the previous year (year-on-year). Therefore, the opportunity to develop housing finance with sharia principles for the community was still wide open and could continue to be improved.
“The fact that the public’s preference for sharia housing finance will continue to increase showing us that there is still a large room for the development of Sharia Tapera in the future,” said the Vice President (Vice President) KH Ma’ruf Amin at the Launching Sharia People’s Housing Savings (TAPERA) event, Tuesday (23/08/2022).
Furthermore, the Vice President said that going forward in its development, Sharia Tapera was expected to be able to answer challenges by taking three strategic steps.
“First, proactively offer Sharia Tapera. The step to pitching it through innovative and massive socialization to the wider community,” he said.
Second, said the Vice President, the importance of increasing literacy on the Sharia Tapera scheme to the public, including calculating profits compared to conventional ones, so that they could boost the level of Islamic financial inclusion.
“Expanding the scope of participation and the inclusive and universal Sharia Tapera scheme must be able to be enjoyed by all groups,” he said.
Furthermore, the Vice President reminded to continue to improve services and public trust based on principles that were in accordance with sharia values.
“Thirdly, Sharia Tapera must maintain its commitment to managing housing savings funds with sharia principles, which prioritizes the principles of mutual cooperation, justice, transparency, security and halal-ness,” said the Vice President.
In addition to these three strategic steps, the Vice President also encouraged a sharia-based supply chain approach in housing development, so that it could benefit the surrounding business fields.
“Housing financing with a sharia-based supply chain approach can be increased in order to encourage business development of business actors involved in the supply chain of housing development,” said the Vice President.
Closing his remarks, the Vice President expressed his appreciation to all stakeholders for the realization of Sharia Tapera, especially the launch which was held in Aceh Province this time.
“I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to all levels of the Tapera Management Agency, the Tapera Committee, the Financial Services Authority (OJK), the Regional Government and all parties who support the process of forming the Sharia Tapera,” he concluded.
Present at the event, Pj. Aceh Governor Achmad Marzuki and the Aceh Provincial Government Communication Forum. Meanwhile, the Vice President was accompanied by the Head of the Vice President Secretariat Ahmad Erani Yustika, Deputy for Human Development Policy Support and Equality Development Suprayoga Hadi, and Special Staff for the Vice President Masduki Baidlowi. (DMA/LHS-BPMI, Setwapres)