Jakarta, wapresri.go.id – In addition to handling of conflict and radicalism, Afghanistan needs to strengthen its cooperation with Indonesia in the fields of economy, commerce, and education.
Vice President of Afghanistan II Mohammad Sarwar Danesh stated this when meeting with Vice President Jusuf Kalla at the Vice Presidential Palace on Jalan Merdeka Selatan, Jakarta, Thursday (Dec. 14) on the sidelines of his agenda attending the Asia Pacific Leader’s Forum on Open Government at Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta.
Vice President Jusuf Kalla welcomed the initiative and said the Indonesian government would explore possible cooperation in other sectors.
“Insha Allah (if God’s willing) next year, around February or March we will ask the Minister of Trade of Indonesia to visit Kabul,” said the Vice President.
In the education sector, Danesh also asked that Indonesia be able to raise the quota of scholarships granted so far to Afghan students. He also hoped that the various training and capacity building programs that Indonesia has given to the police and civil servants of Afghanistan can continue.
The Indonesian government, said the Vice President, is committed to continuing to advance education and provide scholarships for the Afghans.
“Regarding the possibility to increase the quota of scholarship recipients, we will discuss with Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education,” he said.
Medina charter a la Indonesia
At the meeting, Danesh also praised the success of Indonesia which he valued capable of managing the existing plurality.
The motto of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (unity in diversity), he said, is also quite successful in maintaining the harmony of people of different tribes, religions, and languages in Indonesia. Danesh even deemed this slogan similar to the Medina Charter in the time of prophet Muhammad.
In relation to the visit of the Afghan High Peace Council (HPC) delegation to Indonesia last month, Danesh said it showed the seriousness of Afghanistan to learn from Indonesia in its efforts to manage conflicts and deal with radicalism.
The Vice President appreciated the Afghan’s interest and insisted that Indonesia is ready to share its experience and help Afghanistan in tackling radicalism.
“Indonesia is ready to facilitate meetings between scholars of Indonesia, Afghanistan, and Pakistan next year,” explained the Vice President. This inter-clerical meeting, he said, would become the first step for further peace talks.
Also attending the meeting were Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs A.M. Fachir, Head of Vice Presidential Secretariat Mohamad Oemar, Special Staff to the Vice President for Bureaucracy Reform Azyumardi Azra, Indonesian Ambassador to Afghanistan Arief Rachman, and Head of Foreign Relations of the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) Hamid Awaludin. (DM/FM, KIP Setwapres)