The cooperation between the Faculty of Medicine, University of Airlangga (Unair) in Surabaya and Hasanuddin University (Unhas) in Makassar in support of establishment of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Bosowa is expected to be a good synergy to improve the quality of medical education in Makassar.
Vice President Jusuf Kalla said this when delivering a speech at the inauguration of the building of Bosowa University’s School of Medicine, at the University of Bosowa, Makassar, Monday (July 25).
The Vice President also emphasized that it is vital for a university to promote research and quality teaching, especially in medical science. It is increasingly becoming important, he added, as science and technology are developing rapidly.
“Medical science develops 100 percent every three years. It means that if a doctor does not learn and does not hold a research, within three years his or her knowledge will remain only a half. As a result, Indonesian patients find the other half in Singapore,” he argued.
The Vice President also hoped that the Medical Faculty of the Bosowa University be well managed based on standardized parameters. Faculty of Medicine, he said, does not need to look for as many students as possible, but more importantly it needs to improve its quality of education.
According to the Vice President, there are four main factors determining quality health, i.e. genes, the environment, health facilities, and health workers.
“Hospitals and doctors only a quarter of the determinants of the quality of public health across our health system,” he said.
Bosowa University has officially received permission from the Minister of Higher Education, Research, and Technology by Decree No. 95/KTP/I/ 2016 to open its Medical Education Program (Undergraduate) and professional degree for physicians.
In the ceremony, the Vice President signed the inscription inaugurating the Faculty of Medicine, accompanied by Minister for Higher Education, Research, and Technology M. Nasir, South Sulawesi Governor Syahrul Yasin Limpo, and Bosowa University Rector Saleh Pallu. (KIP, Setwapres)