Jakarta-wapresri.go.id. The 8th national meeting (muktamar) of the United Development Party (PPP) has resulted in the party reconciliation after an internal conflict lasting for a period of time. This is hoped able to increase political stability in the country.
Vice President Jusuf Kalla stated this as he formally closed the muktamar held at Pondok Gede Hajj Dormitory in Bekasi, West Java province, on Sunday (April, 10).
“I believe every issue can be solved if we think rationally. Moreover, the name of this party if the United Party. It is impossible for it to break up,” he made a joke.
The Vice President then wished that the muktamar would be the last muktamar to reconcile the party and asked all the party elements to put forward national interest over individual or certain group’s interest.
“We do not want to waste our time and energy only for discussions and muktamars without real actions,” he said.
According to the Vice President, democracy should be developed with strong pillars, one of which is a political party. A political party, he added, will positively contribute to the country if it has a good national view.
“A good democracy should begin with a solid political party with good national view,” he said.
He further argued that the challenge for PPP in democracy now is how to fight for the nation and Islam.
PPP, he said, could attract public to give their sympathy not only by its political movement, but also by economic movement to realize public welfare.
“The most important thing is not how to win the election. But how to improve people’s welfare to promote national stability,” he said.
In the world that is full of uncertainty, the Vice President said, PPP should be united to face various threats, including terrorism, possible nuclear war, and the sluggish world economy.