Jakarta. Energy projects will always be constantly developed along with the public continuous need of energy. Vice President Jusuf Kalla stated this when receiving the central executive board of Lembang Sembilan Institute (DPP IL-9) for the period of 2015-2020 led by its chairman Mr. Alwi Hammu at the Vice President’s Office on Jalan Merdeka Utara, Jakarta, Thursday (Mar. 3).
At the meeting, Mr. Alwi Hamu reported to the Vice President the result of the national forum discussion his institute had previously conducted on energy, especially oil and gas, and marine.
Mr Kalla in response said energy is a basic need for every individual.
“When people get home, most likely the first thing they are doing is reaching out electric plugs to recharge their cellphones’ battery, or switching on air conditioner,” he added.
To support this need, he added, government is now hustling the construction of 35,000 megawatt electric plants handled by both government and private sectors.
Vice President further argued that we need to find alternative sources of energy as, based on the data from Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry, if we rely merely on fossil energy, it will be running out in 30 years.
The consumption of fossil energy, the Vice President added, should not exceed 50%, clean energy including gas should be around 25%, and the remaining 25% should be for renewable energy, such as geothermal.
Other than energy, the meeting also talked about tourism.
The Vice President urged the development of tourist destinations should be based on the tourist interest in the area.
“Not all people visiting Bali, for instance, are to enjoy the beaches. Some of them might want to enjoy the food or the culture. That is why all of these tourism aspects should be taken into account,” VP said.
Alwi Hamu at the meeting was accompanied by some of the institue’s board members including Ms. Eva K Sundari, Mr. Sukriansyah S. Latif, Mr. Inan Riau Hasibuan and Iskandar, Mr. Muhammad Husen, Mr. Basri Cako, Mr. Rian Andi Sumarno, and Mr. Bobby Patompo; while the Vice President was receiving them together with Head of Vice President’s Secretariat Mr. Mohammad Oemar, Vice President’s Deputy on Human Development Mr. Bambang Widianto, and Vice President’s Special Staff Mr. Syahrul Udjud. [DMN/FM]