Jakarta, wapresri.go.id – Muslim social funds are one of the strengths of economic development, both the sharia economy and the national economy in general. Therefore, the active role of community zakat (alms) managers such as the National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) is important for equitable development.
“I put my hope in Baznas. Hopefully, more scholarships will be given. Hopefully, the students who become technocrats, bureaucrats, and Indonesian leaders, are some of Baznas Scholarship recipients,” said Vice President KH Ma’ruf Amin when opening the Launching of the Baznas Santri Scholarship, at the Vice President’s Palace, Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No.6 , Central Jakarta, on Saturday (22/10/2022).
At the event, the Vice President also emphasized that the Baznas student scholarship is expected to be able to encourage poverty reduction programs that the Government and Baznas are intensifying.
“Through education, it is not only the students who develop but the families of the students will also be raised economically, even the people around the pesantren (Islamic boarding school) and the people around them will also be helped,” explained the Vice President.
Previously, the Head of Baznas Noor Achmad said that the provision of scholarships to students was a form of Baznas’ dedication to distributing zakat from mustahik (zakat givers).
“Even though it’s small, Baznas, God willing, will devote itself to the students, by providing scholarships for Baznas students. Of course [scholarships] will be added with muzakih from BUMN. Later, the zakat will be given to Baznas to add scholarships,” said Noor.
The plan is that Baznas will also provide scholarships to 300 students who will continue their higher education in Egypt.
“We will also launch 300 scholarships for them to continue their studies at Al Azhar University in Egypt. We hope that the Vice President can launch directly in Egypt. God willing, those who are given scholarships will become national cadres,” concluded Noor.
Also attending the event was the Head of BAZNAS RI for Distribution & Utilization Saidah Sakwan, President Director of Bank Syariah Indonesia Hery Gunardi, National MTQ 2022 Champion Putri Diana, BAZNAS Leaders and Management, as well as BAZNAS scholarship recipients.
Meanwhile, the Vice President was accompanied by the Head of the Secretariat of the Vice President Ahmad Erani Yustika, Deputy for Human Development Policy Support and Equality Development Suprayoga Hadi, Special Staff for the Vice President for Communication and Information Masduki Baidlowi, Special Staff for the Vice President for General Affairs Masykuri Abdillah, and Special Staff for the Vice President for Political and Social Affairs. Institutional Relations Robikin Emhas. (DMA/LHS, BPMI Setwapres)