Tokyo, – Before attending the state funeral procession for Former Japanese Prime Minister (PM) Shinzo Abe at Nippon Budokan, Choyoda, Tokyo, Tuesday (27/09/2022), Vice President KH Ma’ruf Amin praised the late PM Abe’s services in strengthening Indonesia-Japan relations.
“Former PM Abe is a person who has played an important role in improving Indonesia-Japan relations so that the relationship becomes a strategic partner and closer friendly relations between the people of Indonesia and Japan,” said the Vice President in his press statement at the Imperial Hotel Tokyo shortly before heading to Nippon Budokan.
For this reason, his visit to Japan this time was not only to pay homage to the state funeral procession of Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe but also to promote closer relations and follow up on various forms of cooperation that had been agreed upon by the two countries.
“Especially things that already had agreements when President Joko Widodo was present in Tokyo last July,” he added.
The Vice President also emphasized that so far Japan was indeed an important partner of Indonesia, especially in the economic field.
“Therefore, we want to increase closer relations in various forms of more concrete cooperation,” he said.
For example, said the Vice President, strengthening Indonesia-Japan economic cooperation, especially regarding the signing of the Amendment Protocol to the IJEPA (Indonesian-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement) at the G20 Summit in Bali in November.
“Then also investment issues, investment expansion, the realization of investment expansion and new investments worth 5.2 billion USD, we hope to be resolved soon,” he added.
In addition, said the Vice President, through his presence in Tokyo at this time, it was hoped that various agreements on strategic projects, especially infrastructure projects could also be realized soon.
“Including the settlement of barriers to Indonesia’s agricultural and fishery export commodities, there are several things that have been agreed upon and yesterday also responded (by PM Fumio Kishida),” he said.
Not only that, according to the Vice President, he would also continue to encourage potential cooperation in the field of Islamic economics and the halal industry.
“Especially in leading sectors such as food, cosmetics, fashion, and halal tourism,” he explained.
Especially for halal tourism, said the Vice President, Indonesia was ready to partner and even become Japan’s main partner. According to him, Indonesia would assist in the preparation of standards for Muslim-friendly tourist destinations in Japan and their halal certification.
“There are several things and (still) many other things including energy (problems) that will be followed up,” he concluded. (DMA/LHS-BPMI Setwapres)