Jakarta, wapresri.go.id – The appointment of Vice President (VP) K. H. Ma’ruf Amin as Chair of the Steering Team of the Steering Committee for the Acceleration of Special Autonomy Development for Papua (BP3OKP), has made the government finalize the master plan for accelerating welfare development for the Papua and West Papua regions. The VP emphasized that the formation of the BP3OKP Team is expected to encourage the development of the welfare of the Papuan people.
“We will accelerate the development of welfare in Papua and we are preparing a master plan for the acceleration of development in Papua,” said the VP in an interview with Radio Elshinta, Thursday (27/10/2022).
The VP then explained that the master plan for accelerating development in Papua would prioritize the fields of education, health, and employment.
“There are programs which of course are regular programs, some are quick wins. So, there are accelerations related to education, health, and employment issues,” explained the VP.
Furthermore, the VP said the programs to be held were training for the community as well as equal distribution of services and welfare in the new autonomous regions.
“We created them [the programs] to conduct training, vocational education. Then, of course, in the new autonomous regions so that the service is more even,” said the Vice President.
Moreover, the VP also emphasized the rich and diverse potential of Papua, so it is necessary to optimize the progress of Papua, which is supported by the central government, local governments, and the Papuan people.
“So, the central government mobilizes the potential that exists in Papua and is given encouragement, assistance, and we want Papua to be the same as other provinces,” the VP stated.
“And of course what we hope for is also conducive security, so that we can build prosperity,” he added.
On the other hand, being asked about the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) contestation which has begun to appear in the media, the VP replied casually that the implementation of the General Election already has rules, so there is no need for friction between party supporters or politicians.
“We have held elections many times. I think we should be able to control ourselves. The rules already exist, the election supervisors already exist. Then the rules of the game are also there. How to win but in ways that comply with the rules, in ethical ways,” he concluded.
Also accompanying the VP in the interview were the Head of the Vice President’s Secretariat Ahmad Erani Yustika, Deputy for Economic Policy Support and Competitiveness Improvement Guntur Iman Nefianto, Special Staff for the VP Masduki Baidlowi, and the Expert Team of the VP Farhat Brachma. (NN/LHS, BPMI Setwapres)