Yogyakarta, wapresri.go.id – In its 100th year of independence, namely 2045, Indonesia is projected to achieve the vision of Golden Indonesian Vision in 2045. At that time, Indonesia was estimated to have a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of USD 9,100 billion and a GDP per Capita of USD 30,000.
However, according to Vice President K.H. Ma’ruf Amin, the vision could be realized if Indonesia has a transformative leader who continuously leads the progress.
“Transformative leaders [are] those who can move, change, not only good leaders but also make improvements,” said the Vice President when delivering his National Speech at the Alma Ata University Campus, Jl. Brawijaya No. 99, Tamantirto, Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY), Monday (24/10/2022).
Furthermore, the Vice President explained that a transformative leader could maintain the good old things and create new and better innovations.
“I even added the paradigm, a leader who can improve a better direction in a sustainable and consolidated way,” he said.
The Vice President observed that Indonesia still has approximately 23 years to reach 2045. For this reason, he hopes that the 23-year opportunity will be fully used to produce transformative leaders who can accelerate the achievement of the vision of a Golden Indonesia.
“The most concrete example of a transformative leader is Rasulullah SAW. He is a leader who has succeeded in transforming Arab society from the dark ages (jahiliyah) into a society that is khaira ummah (the best of the people),” he said.
In this case, according to him, the Prophet succeeded in inspiring the Arabs who were originally ordinary to become extraordinary people and were even able to conquer the Roman Empire.
“The Messenger of Allah was able to change Medina, which used to be a small village called Yathrib, unknown to people, to now become a big global city [even become] the center of world civilization,” he said.
The Vice President also hopes that universities, including Alma Ata, will become the forefront or a place to galvanize and produce reformative, innovative, and transformative leaders as exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad.
“We have to be able to say ‘sure’ it can,” he pleaded.
Finally, the Vice President explained three essential points a transformative leader must have. First, the spirit of love for the homeland.
“Love the homeland is part of faith which is the spirit we must uphold,” he said.
Second, said the Vice President, transformative leaders must also be able to maintain the national commitment mandated by the nation’s founders, namely the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.
“I call it a national agreement. The national agreement signed by the nation’s best citizens is the foundation of the constitution,” he explained.
Third, the Vice President emphasized that to realize a Golden Indonesia, a transformative leader is needed to become a prosperous earth. The key is that the leader must master science and technology.
“In what way to prosper the earth? Namely by increasing the causes of prosperity, such as economic activities, trade, industry, plantations, agriculture, maritime affairs, and so on,” he concluded.
Previously, the Chancellor of Alma Ata University Hamam Hadi, revealed that the implementation of the National Speech this time was part of Alma Ata University’s concern for social problems, especially as part of the political education efforts of the Indonesian people.
“Alma Ata University has held National Dialogue several times. Finally, we held a National Dialogue at the end of July 2022 by presenting Indonesian Ulema and Cultural Leaders, namely Al-Mukarom Dr. KH. Mustofa Bisri, often called Gus Mus and Al-Marhum Prof. Dr. Azyumardi Azra,” he said.
Today, Hamam said, coinciding with the Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, the Commemoration of the 7th Birthday of Alma Ata University, and the 2022 Santri Day, we had the Vice President deliver a national speech with the theme “Transformative Leadership to guard the realization of the 2045 Golden Indonesia.
“This topic is based on the lead character of the Prophet SAW, and is expected to be used as a reference by the leaders and future leaders of this country,” he hoped.
This topic, continued Hamam, is becoming more relevant and urgent to be conveyed to the Indonesian people entering the political year ahead of the 2024 General Election.
“Indonesian, which is large and diverse, and the majority is Muslim, now seems to need to look back and study the transformative character of the Prophet’s leadership example to be applied in the life of the nation and state in the modern era,” he said.
Present at this event were the Deputy Governor of DIY KGPAA Paku Alam X, Bantul Regent Abdul Halim Muslih, students, and the academic community of Alma Ata University.
Meanwhile, the Vice President was accompanied by the Head of the Vice President Secretariat Ahmad Erani Yustika, Deputy for Government Policy Support and National Insight Velix Wanggai, Special Staff for the Vice President for Communication and Information Masduki Baidlowi, Special Staff for the Vice President for General Affairs Masykuri Abdillah, Special Staff for the Vice President for Political and Institutional Relations Robikin Emhas, Expert Team of Vice President Farhat Brachma. (SM/LHS-BPMI, Setwapres)