Jakarta, wapresri.go.id – Vice President K.H. Ma’ruf Amin received the board of directors of Yogyakarta Sharia Economic Community (MES) at the Vice President’s official residence, Jl. Diponegoro No. 2 Jakarta, Monday (05/09/2022). In his press statement after accompanying the Vice President, Spokesperson for the Vice President Masduki Baidlowi said that during the meeting the Vice President warmly welcome the plan to organize Jogja Halal Festival 2022, which was initiated by Yogyakarta MES.
“The Vice President appreciates this upcoming event, he always talks about how important it is for us to identify anyone who becomes Muslim entrepreneurs then it turns out that Yogyakarta MES has taken these steps,” he said.
Masduki added that the Vice President expected that the event, which will be held in early November, could increase public knowledge about the development of the halal ecosystem in Indonesia.
“Basically, our problem related to a halal ecosystem is public literacy. The Jogja Halal Festival is an important part of (increasing) literacy. Therefore, the chain of entrepreneurs will be identified after this event,” he added.
Therefore, according to Masduki, the Vice President hoped that this event benefits the sharia market in the future through the expansion of a good network.
“This event is not only a festival, but there is a data collection, there is a network, and all kinds of data will be recorded from it. That is the Vice President’s hope, and I think it will be the next series of follow-up events,” Masduki explained.
In addition, the Vice President also encouraged the formation of the Regional Islamic Economic and Finance Committee (KDEKS), which he hopes can also be developed in Yogyakarta.
“Now it is also being encouraged by the Vice President, besides having KNEKS there will also be KDEKS, and that is expected present in Jogja. Previously it was in NTB, already in Riau, already in West Sumatra, and several other provinces,” he said.
Present on the meeting were MES Daily Chairperson Teten Masduki, Special Staff for Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs Riza Damanik, MES Yogyakarta General Chairperson Heroe Poerwadi, MES Yogyakarta General Secretary Edi Sunarto, MES Yogyakarta General Treasurer Noor Liesnani Pamella, Head of Halal Fest Committee Sarwi Peni W, Head of Yogyakarta Halal Club Mursida Rambe, Chair of ISMI Yogyakarta Wawan Hermawan, Head of PPHI Yogyakarta Taufik Ridwan, Treasurer of PP MUKISI Aditya Marliana, Head of Certification Division of PP MUKISI Sharia Hospital Wahyu Sulistiadi.
Meanwhile, the Vice President was also accompanied by the Head of the Vice President Secretariat Ahmad Erani Yustika, Deputy for Economic Policy Support and Competitiveness Improvement Guntur Iman Nefianto, Special Staff for the Vice President Masykuri Abdillah, Expert Team for the Vice President Iggi Haruman Achsien and Assistant to the Special Staff of the Vice President Sholahudin Al Aiyub.( SM/LHS -BPMI, Setwapres)