Jakarta, wapresri.go.id – The state was obliged to provide protection to all levels of society, including domestic workers (PRT) who depended on domestic work for their lives. However, the Draft Law on the Protection of Domestic Workers (RUU PPRT) initiated by the DPR since 2004 had not yet been passed. Therefore, the Vice President encouraged the proceeding acceleration of the PPRT Bill as a form of strong legal protection for workers.
In his press statement after accompanying Vice President KH Ma’ruf Amin to see the Civil Coalition for the PPRT Law at the Vice President’s Official Residence, Jl. Diponegoro No. 2 Jakarta, Wednesday (31/08/2022), Spokesperson for Vice President Masduki Baidlowi said that the Vice President encouraged the acceleration of the discussion of the Domestic Work Bill and appreciated two things.
“First, the Vice President agreed substantially, meaning that if someone questioned that the bill would violate the values of mutual cooperation and kinship, according to the Vice President, these values would be strengthened by this law,” he said.
Masduki added that the Vice President views this bill as important to discuss because it was related to legal guarantees for domestic workers abroad who should already have legal protection at home.
“Secondly, if we want our workers who are abroad to be questioned because their rights have been violated, then we must have this law at home,” he added.
Previously, Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej revealed that this bill was important to be passed immediately because it involved basic rights, both for workers and employers.
“Legal protection only concerns two things, firstly there are basic rights that are fulfilled, secondly that basic rights have been given, there are obligations that must be fulfilled as well as from the employer’s side,” explained Edward.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Sarinah Institution, Eva Sundari, believes that this bill was a form of state recognition that would provide social benefits for workers.
“This state recognition will help domestic workers get access to social protection, one of which is BPJS Employment,” he said.
Also present on the occasion were Deputy V of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) Jaleswari Pramodhawardani, Chair of the National Network of Advocates (JALA) for PRT Ari Ujito, Chair of Jalastoria Ninik Rahayu, General Chair of the Indonesian Women’s Congress (KOWANI) Giwo Rubianto, and Chair of Migrant Care Anis Hidayah.
Meanwhile, the Vice President was accompanied by the Head of the Vice President Secretariat Ahmad Erani Yustika, Deputy for Government Policy Support and National Insight Velix Wanggai, and Special Staff for the Vice President Masduki Baidlowi and Satya Arinanto. (DMA/LHS-BPMI, Setwapres)