Jakarta, wapresri.go.id – The Tarbiyah Islamiyah Association (Tarbiyah-Perti) has made a long journey since the days of the struggle against colonialism under the tutelage of Sheikh Sulaiman Arrasuli. Even though it was divided, in 2016, the organization was committed to re-uniting in building the fields of education, da’wah, and social activities for the people. For this reason, these three pillars must always be maintained to advance the nation.

“This commitment called the Tripilar Tarbiyah-Perti (education, da’wah, and social) must continue to be embedded in the management and members and become a guideline for achieving common goals,” said Vice President K.H. Ma’ruf Amin when he opened the Conference of the Tarbiyah Islamiyah Association (Tarbiyah-Perti) with allied organizations, at the Mercure Convention Center Ancol, North Jakarta City, Sunday (23/10/2022).

In education, the Vice President further encourages Tarbiyah-Perti’s role in building superior human resources (HR) so that the Indonesian nation can compete at the global level. According to him, a critical aspect of education is to prepare a generation that understands religion. It can convey da’wah (i’dadul mutafaqqihina fiddin i’dadul rijalud da’wah) as the successors of the predecessor scholars.

“This is one of our duties because scholars founded Islamic boarding schools in the context of “i’dadul mutafaqqihina fiddin”. Because these scholars will not exist. The cleric will not continue to exist,” he said.

In addition, continued the Vice President, education is a strategic place to prepare human resources who also master science and technology as the key to advancing the people’s economy, as Allah commands to prosper the earth and read (iqra).

“Iqra means reading, contemplating, and researching all that is in the Qur’an and the order of our lives to prosper our earth and country. This is an educational task that we must carry out,” he explained.

In the field of da’wah, the Vice President emphasized that the essence of da’wah is goodness that brings benefits and eliminates harm, including by maintaining the integrity of the unity and integrity of the Indonesian nation.

“Our da’wah is ilal khair (towards goodness), how to build physically through alms, how to gather good ideas, ideas, initiatives, or eliminate conflict, unite, prevent conflict,” he said.

The Vice President also underlined that da’wah must be carried out according to the guidance of the Qur’an, namely using kind words (qaulan ma’rûfá), noble speech (qaulan karîmá), polite speech (qaulan layyinâ), straight speech and not hoaxes ( qaulan sadîdá), easy-to-understand speech ( qaulan maysûrá).

“And, for us Indonesians, da’wah must be within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, not outside. Why? Because this Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is our agreement,” he added.

In this context, the Vice President explained that NKRI was an agreement from the predecessors of this country and the scholars, including Sheikh Sulaiman Arrasuli, as al mitsaqul wathany (national consensus). Therefore, he emphasized the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia as a darul mitsaq (state of agreement) that Muslims must maintain, especially.

“Between mitsaq rabbani and mitsaq wathany, it does not contradict each other. Because of what, holding mitsaq wathany is part of holding mitsaq rabbani,” he added.

Closing his remarks, the Vice President hoped that this activity would provide solutions to various strategic issues on the organization’s plan to strengthen Tarbiyah-Perti’s work, as exemplified by Sheikh Sulaiman Arrasuli.

“Syekh Sulaiman Arrasuli’s gait since the era of the struggle against colonialism to become a compass in advancing the world of education, da’wah, as well as social and political society,” concluded the Vice President.

Previously, the General Chairman of the Tarbiyah-Perti Central Executive Basri Bermanda said that this congress was attended by allied organizations and functional organizations as a form of ishlah commitment that does not only exist at the central level, but also touches the lowest level.

“Different does not mean hostile, but we must uphold this nation in a solid union,” said Basri.

Also present at this event were the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy, and 790 participants from Tarbiyah-Perti elements and their allied organizations.

Meanwhile, the Vice President was accompanied by the Head of the Vice President Secretariat Ahmad Erani Yustika, Deputy for Human Development Policy Support and Development Equity Suprayoga Hadi, Special Staff for the Vice President for Communication and Information Masduki Baidlowi, and Special Staff for the Vice President for Political and Institutional Relations Robikin Emhas. (SM/LHS-BPMI, Setwapres)