Jakarta, wapresri.go.id – Al-Ittihadiyah is a Muslim organization that was founded in 1935. It has three pillars as its focus of the movement, namely the pillars of education and da’wah, the pillars of the economy, and the pillars of regeneration. Among the three pillars, the economic pillar is the priority that must be developed to empower Muslims to improve their welfare.
“The economy is important to empower the people because many Muslims are left behind in the economic field. Therefore, we must not let it alone,” said Vice President KH Ma’ruf Amin when delivering his speech at the Opening of the 20th Al-Ittihadiyah Congress 2022, at the Vice Presidential Palace, Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan, No.7, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (14/09/2022).
As a country with the most significant number of Muslims in the world, according to the Vice President, we had the potential to rise up by building the people’s economy.
“Because of this, I think Muslims should be active in developing the economy and now we have the potential, the rules, the field, and now it’s not a national movement, it’s a global movement,” he said.
On that occasion, the Vice President also quoted Sheikh Al Nawawi Bantani that when looking for sustenance, Muslims tried to uphold Allah’s rights without neglecting that religion, then it was a big jihad. It was economic jihad, namely fighting how to find halal sustenance, which was in line with the law.
In addition, regarding the pillars of education and da’wah, the Vice President assessed that the frequency of da’i in Indonesia had been very large, but they still need to improve the quality of da’wah content, so he hoped for the regeneration of da’i.
“The key is the cadre of da’i, not just material or content but also their personality, which we have to correct, I think it’s very important, that’s what we discuss, the way to evaluate,” he said.
According to the Vice President, the da’wah content which needs to be improved was how the content can be easily understood according to the needs of Muslims, in living life in a world that is blessed by Allah SWT.
“The content should meet the taste (of the audience), meet what they expect, in an attractive way. The way we convey it may not be too textual, it may need fewer descriptions to provide a clearer picture, clearer interpretation or more interesting analogy,” he explained.
Previously, General Chairperson of Al-Ittihadiyah Lukmanul Hakim said that economic challenges were engulfing the world, but Indonesia could overcome them better than some other countries. In addition, Indonesia would also deal with legislative and executive elections in 2024. Therefore, he hoped that unity and integrity in Indonesia must be maintained to advance the nation and accelerate national economic recovery.
“Entity and unity of the people from all elements of the nation is the main capital for this realization, for that Al Ittihadiyah calls on all levels of society, wherever they are, to maintain the unity and integrity of the people so that Indonesia continues to advance and avoid economic turmoil and political turmoil in 2024, ” he said.
Then he added that the three pillars of Al-Ittihadiyah were owned by the Vice President KH Ma’ruf Amin, so he hoped that the vice president could become the leader of all Muslims.
“Mr. KH Ma’ruf Amin was once a Ra’is Aam Nahdlatul Ulama, was the General Chairperson of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), in several pre-congress discussions, at Al Ittihadiyah, it’s time now for Mr. KH Ma’ruf Amin to become a Ra’is of all mass organizations, including Ra’is Al-Ittihadiyah,” he explained.
For information, the 20th Al Ittihadiyah Congress was officially opened by Vice President KH Ma’ruf Amin which was marked by the beating of the gong accompanied by the General Chairperson of Al Ittihadiyah Lukmanul Hakim and the Deputy General Chairperson of Al-Ittihadiyah as Chair of the XX Al-Ittihadiyah Conference Committee, the Year 2022 Moh. Emnis Anwar.
Also present at the event were the administrators, participants of the 20th Al-Ittihadiyah Congress, and other large Al-Ittihadiyah families.
Meanwhile, the Vice President was accompanied by the Head of the Vice President Secretariat Ahmad Erani Yustika, Deputy for Human Development Policy Support and Development Equity Suprayoga Hadu, Special Staff for the Vice President for Communication and Information Masduki Baidlowi, Special Staff for the Vice President for Poverty Reduction and Regional Autonomy Imam Azis, Special Staff for the Vice President for Political Affairs and Institutional Relations Robikin Emhas, and the Expert Team of the Vice President Iggi Haruman Achsien. (DMA/LHS-BPMI Setwapres)