Jakarta, wapresri.go.id – Vice President (VP) Ma’ruf Amin today received the Corporate Forum for CSR Development (CFCD) at the Vice President’s Official Residence, Jl. Diponegoro No. 2 Central Jakarta, Wednesday (29/06/2022).
On this occasion, the Vice President appreciated CFCD that continuously supports the accomplishment of Indonesia’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through its various programs.
“I appreciate the CFCD for constantly supporting the achievement of the SDGs in Indonesia by actively encouraging and forging multi-stakeholder strategic partnerships in achieving the SDGs, assisting corporations in formulating new strategic roles in the SDGs and their sustainability, as well as community empowerment,” he said.
These various efforts, continued by the Vice President, are expected to bring inclusive and environmentally friendly economic development, as well as encourage renewable energy practices in communities.
“We also appreciate companies/corporations that have committed to supporting the government in achieving development targets through their CSR programs, and actively providing solutions for problems related to raising the human development index, such as providing clean water, environmental welfare for underprivileged communities, the development of the cooperative and MSME sectors, as well as various other community empowerments,” he added.
Those various programs, according to the Vice President, are very relevant to the government’s efforts, especially in eradicating poverty in Indonesia.
“Currently, the government continues to strive to eliminate poverty, especially extreme poverty through social protection and community empowerment efforts,” he said.
Furthermore, the Vice President suggested to the CFCD, that the approach taken by companies in their CSR programs to achieve the SDGs must be truly holistic and in line with global standards. In addition, it is also important to think about the need for financial support and the existence of a large gap in the financing of the SDGs.
“An extraordinary response from all parties is required to produce creative innovations on funding instruments, collaboration in investment, and mobilization of funds not only from the national budget (APBN), but also from the private sector, as well as philanthropists, and communities,” he said.
Earlier, CFCD Chairman Thendri Supriatno reported that the CFCD, which was established 20 years ago, has consistently assisted the government in the efforts to educate the nation and invite corporations to work together to achieve the SDGs.
“Our activities at CFCD are educating and sometimes pushing companies to develop their CSR programs to help the community,” he said.
Not only with private corporations, added Thendri, in implementing its programs, CFCD also collaborates with various ministries/agencies.
“Our members have reached out to 530 large corporations. If this trend could be made into a more massive movement, the impact would be tremendous in achieving SDGs,” he assured.
In the same vein, CFCD Secretary-General Suharman Noerman reported that the CFCD will hold several events in July 2022, especially the Indonesia SDGs Corporate Summit (ISCOS) on 27-28 July 2022 in Bali.
“We hope that the Vice President is willing to attend events in person or provide a virtual speech at the Summit,” Suharman hoped.
In response to this invitation, the Vice President also welcomed the implementation of ISCOS 2022 in order to support Indonesia’s G-20 presidency which is expected to become a good momentum to carry out the strategic agenda for achieving Indonesia’s SDGs.
“At the meeting, participants are exchanging knowledge, experiences, best practices, partnerships, and innovative policies to realize SDGs,” he hoped.
For information, CFCD is a CSR-based corporate organization based on ISO 26000 Guidance Social Responsibility which has been active since 2002 in strengthening CSR/Community Development programs in corporate circles in Indonesia.
CFCD is a global SR network within the ISO 26000 Stakeholders Global Network (SGN) based in Austria. CFCD is also the owner of intellectual property rights for the Indonesian SDGs Awards (ISDA) which has been held since 2016 with around 120 corporate participants including National and multi-national companies.
Together with relevant government agencies, CFCD initiated the Indonesian SDGs Corporate Summit which aims to encourage corporate awareness and commitment to implementing social and environmental responsibilities, as well as socializing Presidential Regulation Number 59 of 2017 concerning the Implementation of SDGs to achieve the 2030 SDGs targets in Indonesia.
Attending the meeting are the General Chair and Secretary-General of CFCD, Indonesian SGDs Corporate Summit (ISCOS) Board Advisor Siti Nur Azizah, Head of Stakeholder Relations/Public Relations CFCD Hulfa, Pertamina Geothermal Energy Commissioner Sarman Simanjorang, and PT Kaltim Prima Coal CSR GM Louise Gerda Pessireron.
Meanwhile, the Vice President was accompanied by the Head of the Vice President Secretariat Ahmad Erani Yustika, Deputy for Administration Guntur Iman Nefianto, Special Staff for the Vice President for Communication and Information Masduki Baidlowi, the Expert Team of the Vice President Iggi Haruman Achsien, and Acting Deputy for Economic Policy Support and Competitiveness Improvement M. Zulkarnain. (EP/DMA/LHS-BPMI Setwapres)