Jakarta, wapresri.go.id – Employment Social Security protection is very important for workers. Because, in addition to providing a sense of security at work, this protection is also expected to function as a poverty prevention strategy.

“The central government, regional governments and village-level governments channel this protection as a social safety net strategy to prevent poverty,” said Vice President (VP) K. H. Ma’ruf Amin during the Declaration of the National Movement for the Protection of Vulnerable Workers and the Presentation of the Social Security Award for Employment “Paritrana Award 2021” at the Vice President’s Palace, Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 6 Central Jakarta, Thursday (27/10/2022).

Furthermore, the VP said, as a strategy for preventing poverty, it is hoped that this protection can provide a sense of security for both workers and their families in unexpected times.

“For working families, it also provides certainty of economic sustainability if something unexpected happens,” added the VP.

On the same occasion, the VP also explained that the previous Employment Social Security was still identical for formal workers, while informal workers had not been covered. But now, he continued, the Employment Social Security has been able to reach 1.8 million vulnerable workers through local governments and business entities.

“We see that there are still many vulnerable workers who have not been protected and need a sense of security and calm while working,” he explained.

“Therefore, the protection of Vulnerable Workers is given to farmers, fishermen, planters, ranchers, Qur’an teachers, religious officers, and street vendors,” concluded the VP. (NN/LHS, BPMI – Setwapres)