Vice President Jusuf Kalla called on leaders of Muslim countries to promote peace, particularly in the Muslim world which is currently trapped in various conflicts.
“The only way forward is to find out the root of this problem and seek a long-term solution for the problem faced by many Muslim countries,” said the Vice President in his remarks during General Debate at the 13th Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Summit is Istanbul, Turkey, on Friday (April, 15).
He then firmly stated that OIC has failed in fulfilling its responsibility to protect and unite its member states as well as to prevent them from a war.
“We have let politics and sectarian-ego dominate us. Yet in fact Allah, God Almighty, orders us to help one another, and not otherwise, to harm one another,” he affirmed.
OIC, he added, with 57 member states, second largest world organization after the UN, is in fact has big potentials.
“In total, the population of OIC is 1.7 billion people, or 22.7 percent of the world population, with 53.3 percent of them are young people,” said the Vice President, adding that OIC’s GDP reaches almost US$10,000, with two-third of world oil and gas reserves are owned by OIC member states.
“However, ironically, OIC has not made this quality to realize public welfare, and this has even triggered conflicts, poverty, and humanitarian disasters,” he said.
These potentials, Mr. Kalla continued, could actually be made to promote global peace and welfare.
Besides conflict resolution, peace, and unity, the Vice President also wished that OIC could promote economic cooperation among its member states for the sake of public welfare.
“The solidarity of OIC member states must be realized in a concrete cooperation in trade and investment,” he affirmed.
Concluding his remarks, Mr. Kalla reiterated that Muslim countries should return to the main spirit of Islam as rahmatan lil alamin (a blessing for the universe).
“It is the time for OIC to adapt with new conditions, to strengthen unity, and to take part in giving solution for Muslim countries and international community trapped in conflicts,” he said.