Remarks by Head of Delegation of The Republic of Indonesia at Global Leaders’ Meeting on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment: A Commitment to Action
Your Excellency, we are gathered here to revitalize our commitments to fully realize gender equality and women empowerment.
In the last twenty years, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BDPfA) has significantly contributed to the global achievements on gender equality, including in Indonesia.
Today, the Beijing Declaration remains relevant and instrumental for achieving the objectives of Sustainable Developments Goals and the vision of Planet 50/50 by 2030.
Nevertheless, Your Excellency, in many parts of the world women continues to face discrimination and marginalization in almost all aspects of lives.
For our part, we are more than ever determined to improve the quality of life of women.
We must ensure that women have equal and inclusive access to, greater participation in, as well as better control of and benefit from all sectors.
Toward this goal, Indonesia is focusing on three key areas:
First, increasing the participation and representation of women in decision-making processes, among others by promoting more women in senior leadership positions in all sectors of human development.
Second, reducing the maternal mortality rate by expanding access to reproductive health services, and
Third, eliminating all forms of violence against women and girls, by involving all stakeholders in the family and community, including the men, to combat this heinous crime.
The same commitments also guide our active involvement in various global initiatives, from, Equal Futures Partnerships (EFP) and Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict, to the #HeforShe campaign.
In fact, our President is one of the IMPACT Champions for #HeforShe campaign.
Excellency, we believe that stronger commitment, improved means of implementation and better collaboration, are keys to overcome current and future challenges.
Indonesia, for its part, is pleased to join in partnerships and pledges, announced today, to realize our national priorities and common endeavours for gender equality and women’s empowerment worldwide.
I thank you.